
The xCHANGE simulation was developed in collaboration with xLEAD, Professor Henrik Bresman of INSEAD, and Professor Deborah Ancona of MIT, with the financial support of INSEAD. The simulation presents participants, typically organised in teams, with a challenging mission. It is an intense, but risk-free experience that will help them develop skills for the challenges below. xCHANGE is available in English and French.
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The xCHANGE simulation is a highly innovative software tool that is used as part of an organised workshop, either in a classroom or in remote format, to deliver an intense experience that helps participants with a wide variety of experience levels to develop skills for dealing with challenges such as leading change & transformation, and making innovation happen.

xChange addresses the following 'specific' leadership challenges

xChange addresses the following 'generic' leadership challenges

Learning outcomes

Participants develop a number of skills, including how to:

  • work as an effective change team
  • use formal and informal networks
  • develop effective influencing strategies
  • navigate organisational culture & politics
  • maximise stakeholder support for an innovation
  • make organisational change happen
xChange workshop learning objectives video

Who is this for?

xChange is used by leaders working in change or innovation contexts, including:

  • change managers & teams
  • innovation leaders & teams
  • general managers
  • project leaders & teams

as well as Masters/MBAs/EMBAs, and Executives on business school programs

Demo video

xChange demo video

Clients who use xChange include:

client story video
Photo of Mark M

“I have used xChange in both executive and MBA classrooms and always get rave reviews. Importantly, the simulation pushes people to think about change strategies while helping participants to experience the challenges and messiness of organizational change in practice.”

Mark Mortensen, Professor, INSEAD

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to run a xCHANGE simulation workshop?
A xCHANGE simulation workshop is typically run over a half day.
What is the role, mission and success measures in the xCHANGE simulation?
You play the role of an innovation team leader, who works for a medical equipment manufacturer. Your team has been asked to convince top management to approve the launch of an innovative medical device. Success is measured by the number of top managers who give your proposal the green light.
What are the limits on numbers of participants in a xCHANGE simulation workshop?
We recommend that participants be organised in teams of 3 to 5 people, with a minimum of 3 teams and a maximum of 40 teams.

Want to take a closer look at xChange?

Workshop Builder

Visit ‘my workshop builder’ to explore options for different workshop formats: where the participants and trainer are located, how participants are organised, the timeframe, etc.

my workshop builder

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